Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Part 3: Next Promo Behind the Scenes

59 Days Until Next.

Next registration goes up by $25 tomorrow! Make sure you register today so you can pay $150 and not $175! Even though a lot of hotel rooms have sold out, the Next site says that it will be updated with more hotel options soon.

Here are the last behind the scenes videos of making the Next promo. The first one is me talking with the director about how he wants me to do the scene. The other is running through my lines quickly so they could test out the lighting and make sure everything was ready to go. The last video is me freaking out from nerves on the first take.

Behind the Scenes Next Promo 5 from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

Behind the Scenes Next Promo 6 from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

Behind the Scenes Next Promo 7 from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)

Friday, March 26, 2010

A New Song from Curt

Joshua Harris, senior pastor of Covenant Life Church, recently posted on his blog about the song that Curt did (with Lauren Murphy doing vocal back ups) to promote Josh's new book: Dug Down DeepCheck out the post to hear the song and see what Josh had to say.  

64 Days Until Next.
Check out the blog for 10 reasons why you should go to Next and remember to register before the price goes up on April 1. 

~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Save Money! Register Now!

67 Days Until Next.

The cost for Next registration goes up by $25 on Wednesday, March 31st. This will make the cost for singles go from $150 to $175 and married couples from $225 to $250. Make sure you register soon so that you do not lose out on this discount. Still not convinced that you should go? Check out the video, read the March Webzine or follow the blog which is constantly being updated with reasons why you should attend this conference. And if that doesn't convince you, then send an email to and we will set up a time for us to meet at a restaurant of my choosing and we will sit and we will chat and you will buy me lunch and we will have a conversation about why you should go to Next. It will go something like this.

~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Should I date him?

72 Days Until Next.

This video is from pastor Justin Cox of the Passion for Christ Movement Christian Fellowship Church in Los Angeles, CA. He is a senior pastor in his thirties running a four-year old church comprised of teenagers, singles, and young married couples. Their church is like a mini-version of Next every Sunday. In this video the pastor talks about 15 questions girls should ask before dating a guy.

This church also produces what are called "Ex-t-shirts." These are t-shirts used by the wearer as a testimony of what they were before they became saved by Christ, such as "Cutter," "Fornicator," "Homosexual," "Hypocrite," and what applies to all of us: "Ex-Slave." They explain this philosophy here.

~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Part 2: Next Promo Behind the Scenes

77 Days Until Next.

Why should you go to Next? Don't let me tell you. Because I already did. In a video. Have you seriously not seen it yet? Oh. You have. Well, then, let the Next bloggers tell you instead. They have been frequently posting tips on how to pay for Next and a great post about the real reason why we go to Next: to meet with God. Next also has a webzine that comes out each month with articles from some of the speakers who will be at Next concerning topics beneficial in our preparation for the conference. 

The March issue is on the topic of sanctification and has an article with notes from CJ's teaching on "Cravings & Conflict." I have listened to this message a couple times, and have always been affected by it. A craving is when you want something, like a piece of pumpkin pie, and conflict is what happens when you realize that your younger sister ate that last piece. If that is an experience you can relate to at all, then check out the notes and the message.

Here are some more videos from day one of the shoot. I sat on that couch for three hours while they set up the lighting. I would like to think that they were having technical difficulties but they actually were having trouble lighting my very white face against that background and my newly darkened hair. It took some movie magic to finally get it right.

Next Promo Behind the Scenes 3 from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

Next Promo Behind the Scenes 4 from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.
~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Do you like your community group?

Let's hope that the answer to this question is "Yes." And if it isn't, well, then, pray that you will grow in fondness for the people in your group, at least to a level where you are not filled with a strong desire to kick one of them as they walk past you. For those who do like their community groups because they like the people or find it a splendid way to spend their Wednesday evenings, this is what they had to say:

"I love the opportunity to fellowship with new people on a deeper level. I also love our community group's random humor!"
~Brianna Smith

"I love building together with other families that God has given to us. Even though 'constant change is here to stay' these are the people God has called us to open our lives to and 'do life' with right now and friendships are being formed for life!"
~Evy Taracena

"I enjoy having a core group from where I can receive sound advice, encouragement, and prayer from an honest group of caring people. Also, I am loving the camaraderie that is slowly beginning to extend beyond our meetings. I am so thankful to God to be a part of such a community!"
~April Sanders

"I enjoy the chemistry our community group shares, and our meetings have been spiritually beneficial."
~Mark Novicio

"I enjoy my community group because it gives me a chance to build deeper relationships with guys and girls in Lightswitch."
~Bill Burnside

"I'm excited about my community group because I'm looking forward to more intimate Christian fellowship with other believers."
~Heidi Hempel
"I love talking, sharing, and praying with others in my community group."
~Victoria Sanders

"I'm learning a lot from the folks in my group. It's really encouraging to watch them grow in their faith and follow Jesus so passionately. Plus, we always have a lot of fun!"
~Michelle Stefun
"I love my community group because it's an opportunity to talk on a personal level with others. It's a great context in  which to get the guys' perspectives on stuff."
~Kennesha Dickson
"I like smaller groups because I'm able to hear people's hearts. Hearing about other people's walks reminds me that I'm not alone in mine. This builds me up and edifies me throughout the week."
~Laura Welch

"Definitely the people and the fellowship. I love getting together every week with the people in my group. Although I haven't known most of them for very long I have experienced the joy of getting to know them better and having real fellowship. Everyone seems eager to share and to pray for one another and get beyond the surface. Not to mention lots of laughter! We were nearly poisoned by Ben's dirty popcorn last week; it was pretty intense!"
~Sarah Leidner

"I love meeting with my community group because we encourage each other in the Lord and have great discussions about his word. I always leave feeling refreshed and encouraged to follow harder after Jesus."
~Ben Zipf

"I really enjoy having Christian friends to share my experiences with. The group has helped me to focus on God and his will for my life and marriage. I am grateful for the fellowship!"
~Benita Rivera

~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca, with Shane Kohout and Brianna Smith)

Some help to apply CJ's message

Friday, March 5, 2010

Next Promo Behind the Scenes

84 Days Until Next.

Filming the Next promo was quite an adventure. You can follow this adventure by checking out the posts that that were put up during the shoot on the Vinegar Hill Blog (look at January 13-16). Also, many do not know that for the first day of shooting Sophie Meath came to help out. She is considering studying film in college so she came along to see what the process was like (for those who don't know her she is part of M412 at SRC and is Clara and Holly Meath's younger sister).

Each day something went wrong. The first day they were using a Russian-made 16mm film camera that broke for some inexplicable reason. I tried to think that it wasn't because the camera was filming my face for the first time, but that could not be determined. Sophie brought her camera along and took some footage of us working while the camera was not working. All these shots you see of us filming the first day had to be re-shot with a digital camera the last day because it was lost due to camera malfunctions.

Next Promo Behind the Scenes 1 from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

Next Promo Behind the Scenes 2 from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Let's Go To Next!!!

For those of you who live under very large rocks, just wanted to remind you that the Next conference is coming. Or if you've been off the planet for the last month, you can also check out the Next website because there is this nifty little video you should probably check out that promotes the conference. And if that isn't enough to convince you that we Lightswitchers need to be representing THE ROCK! at Next this year, then I'm out of ideas.

Here's the Next Breakdown:

When: Friday, May 28-Monday, May 31 at the Baltimore Convention Center
Registration Cost: Singles $150, Married couples $225
Beginning in April PRICES GO UP singles to $175, and marrieds to $250, so register soon!
It would be great if we could all stay at the same hotel, I would reccomend the Hilton.
Cost: $135/night, (With four people to a room it's $101 per person or $81 per person if you squeeze five people in a room)
When reserving a room make sure you say it's for the Next conference so you get the discount.

If money is your concern, have no fear, there is plenty of time, it is 87 days until Next and the Next blog just provided a post called "I'm Too Poor To Attend (Fundraising Ideas)." So there should be no reason for anyone not to come!

I heard from a reliable source that something happens when you actually go, so even if you think you could just download the messages, and listen to them on your way to class or work. You are mistaken. Let's go to Next.

~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)

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