Saturday, November 28, 2009

News: December need to knows!

Five quick things about December:

1. I am going to be posting only on the blog except for very small things beginning January 1. I will send you an email to inform you when to check the blog.

2. I am going to be posting (weekly at least) a new column called Christ and Culture. My goal is to make you all (meaning those interested) aware of what is happening outside “our world” here. I have consistent conversations with pastors on this stuff constantly and I thought it would be cool to bring you guys into those conversations. I posted one today about a gay marriage feel free to check it.

3. Christmas party will be on Friday December 18th. Those who need baby sitters please get them in advance, hence the reminder. I think we will have a great time with the entertainment (hehehehehehehehehehe)! This year I think we are going to make our own dishes. I think it will be better this way. Be thinking what you could make and on the 10th I will have a sign up sheet.

4. I would like to do a New Year’s Eve thingy this year but I don’t want to pt pressure on anyone who has other plans or just plain doesn’t want to come. However I would like to know who will be there bcuz I want to do food and some stuff that I have been thinking about that could be really fun. Feel no pressure to come though. However I would love it if many would be able to make it or some portion of it. I will let you know closer to that date how things are going to kick off and when to let me know if you will make it.

5. Chago’s 2nd B-day party! I can’t believe my big head boy is about to be two. Our invite will be extended to LS but we WILL need to know who can make it. It will be on Saturday 12/19 from about 4-6 pm.

~Blog Crew (Curt Allen)

Curt TV: Clever video promoting gay marriage agenda

My buddy Eric Simmons and I always have conversations regarding Christ and culture. He recently told me about this video as I was telling him some of my thoughts from San Francisco. Basically we were talking about how left-brain the gay agenda is in their marketing of gay marriage and how those who oppose it need to be as clever or more so in their argument beyond simply stating, "the Bible told me so." As we are called to engage in this world it is good to notice what the strategy is. Hence the video link below. What do you guys think of it? Post comments on the blog.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Curt TV San Fran Edition

Curt TV Still Sanning from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

Untitled from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

Untitled from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Curt TV San Fran pt. 1

Curt TV San Fran pt. 1 from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

News: Interviews with Curt

For those of you who missed it, recently Curt did an interview on hip-hop with fellow Christian rap artist Shai Linne for Mark Dever's ministry IX Marks. Last week C.J. Mahaney highlighted these interviews on his blog so if you have not checked them out yet you can listen to the audio as well as check out the videos below that Curt posted of the interviews. 
~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)

9 Marks interviews Shai Linne and Voice pt 1 from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

9 marks interview pt 2 from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

9 Marks Interview pt 3 from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

Monday, November 9, 2009

News: This Week in LS and Next Month

Singles I have the "2 Ways 2 Live" books ready for Thursday (11/12). They do cost $10 each. This may seem like a lot until you check your budget for fast food spent in the last couple of days =). I would like to have this paid by Sunday 11/29. Between now and then if you could bring your $10 that would be great. I will be giving out books Thursday though so we may begin.

There will be no other formal LS mtg that will take place this month due to the holidays and my being in San Francisco next week.

Next month will be a bit different for the multiple holidays, etc. I would like to meet with the singles Thursday 12/3 and would like to meet with the couples Friday 12/4. We will have an all LS mtg on the 12/10 so I can discuss with everyone the new fellowship groups structure, the new schedule/structure for the upcoming year, etc.

12/11 Will be the next game night
12/18 Will be the LS Christmas Party
12/31 New Years Eve party?

Please make note of these changes and get to me if you have any questions.

~Blog Crew (Curt Allen)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

On My End

11-01-09 Sunday Morning Interviews from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

A friend of mine once referred to honoring individuals as arranging a bouquet of flowers to give to our Lord. All of the beauty we find in one another is really a reflection of God’s glory. I’m so thankful for the evidences of grace you have all seen in one another's lives. It’s amazing to read these and think that looks like Jesus. Even in honoring one another, it’s all about Jesus. Thank you all for striving to look like our Savior!
~Blog Crew (Shane Kohout)

Michelle Stefun stands out to me in the way she loves people by taking an interest in them. I have felt her care numerous times. Last night at the game night was no exception. As soon as she greeted me she began to draw me out about what had been going on in my life since we last talked. And as the evening progressed I observed her over and over again caring for everyone else in the same way. Michelle's love for other people has blessed me, and made me want to have an others-focused heart like she does!
~Anna Loftness

Friday, November 6, 2009


Some things to note for tonight. Whoever desires to or is able to make it tonight doors open @ 8:07 pm. Be prepared to bring $3-$5 in case I am unable to cover pizza.  If I am I will let you know through email later.

Things to know, youtube or google for game night 

Drago’s accent from Rocky 3
The word truculent
A girl who just learned to drive went down a one way street the wrong way but didn’t break the law why?
Charlie chaplin
3,5,8,13,21, what is next?
The evolution of dance
Boston Accent
Talk like Yoda
I got the Power ‘90’s song
Middle names that start with Z
Wonderful other uses for Mayonnaise

When you come some of you will receive a piece of paper. Do not show anyone the contents on that paper as some instructions will be on them for you to follow. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We gon' have some fun 2night!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

From the Homefront

Here is the first installment from our new section:  "From the Homefront." This posts will be written by our very own Blog Crew member, Evy Taracena. She will be writing about her experience as a mom and as wife, and what it is like to play out these roles within SRC. She will be writing about the Moms2Moms events, continue writing about the marrieds LS meetings, and continue writing about her two beautiful boys which she already does on her blog. I would highly suggest to the singles in particular, to take this as an opportunity to be encouraged by the wisdom and experience of those a few steps ahead of us in life. Enjoy.
~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)

Last marrieds meeting was about the doctrine of sin as the third session in our series on the doctrines of fellowship. When the doctrine of sin is correctly understood and rightly applied it should help us to cultivate a gratitude for God's grace. It also helps us understand why we do what we do post-conversion.

What I really liked is that after the teaching, Curt invited John to do a Q & A. One of the questions Curt asked him was concerning how the doctrine of sin should function in marriage. He gave us practical advice about how to interact with each other in light of our sin. For example, it should humble us and make us more compassionate and patient with each other. And we don't have to prove ourselves worthy to our spouses because we've already proven ourselves unworthy to God. Our goal is to help each other look up at who is worthy.

At the most recent Moms2Moms we once again had the privilege to be taught by Jeanne McMahon. Jeanne’s absolute honesty on the “High Calling of Motherhood” was so provoking and such a blessing to us all; she really challenges us to “get real” with ourselves. 
I love being a mom! But the demands of the “job” and the constant self-sacrifice can tempt me to complain and have a “woe is me” attitude. God calls us to fulfill our roles with joy; a high calling indeed! Our greatest joy and highest objective for loving and serving our children is that they will repent of their sins, put their trust in Jesus, and reflect the gospel to the world around them.

That really puts things in perspective. Everything I do has an affect on my kids so I want to communicate that God is good and that his grace is sufficient for all things. What makes this possible is only the grace that God provides which means we daily have to come to the fountain to get replenished for the task at hand. I'm so grateful for the older moms teaching us younger moms how to love our husbands and children, manage our homes, and come to know God in a deeper way.

~Blog Crew (Evy Taracena)




Tuesday, November 3, 2009

News: A Thank You

Kathy Rodgers would like to express her thanks for all that LS did for the founding members of SRC at the church picnic last month. Read her words below and be encouraged!
Thank you to every one of you for your outstanding work on the picnic - we were all blessed beyond measure! Thanks for the cards, the food, the games, the babysitting, the planning, the acting and all the myriad of details that something like that takes. Thank you for your care and encouragement - you are an incredible group of servants and you are much appreciated. May the Lord multiply blessings back to you!

Speaking of the picnic, here is a showcase of the amazing skills of our videographer, Mike Perry, who can find the humor in anything..really...even stuff that other people find boring...oh just watch it.

Behind the Scenes at the SRC Picnic Setup from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)

News: This Week in LS

Thursday night (11/5) I will be meeting with the couples 7:30pm at the church. Please bring your notes and thoughts from the message Sunday. The groups who will be watching the kids are Megan/Lauren/Ben. Please let me know if this is a problem before being assigned to a home.

FYI the babysitting in the homes only has two more times. This Thursday and then December 3rd. There will be no meeting for the couples on the 19th of this month as I will be in San Francisco.

What I was hoping to do was give opportunities to both the singles to serve and the couples to get to know some of the singles. I also wanted to provide a short season where both parents could make it to our meetings together which I am grateful for the most part have been able to. However, I don’t think I should continue to maintain the responsibility of providing childcare in the homes. At the church I feel more comfortable but by assigning people to homes I am placing the church as primarily responsible for the protection of the children. With the new CM policy some people who wouldn’t be eligible yet for CM couldn’t watch kids on Thursdays either because  the church is responsible. I hope this makes sense. Those of us with kids will have to go back to that good ol’ fashioned getting a babysitter in January.

What I would recommend is asking the singles if they wouldn’t mind babysitting on that Thursday if possible. But I will not be assigning that duty outside of the church building. If more children come to the church I may shoulder it. We can discuss this Thursday night, couples. I hope I have proven I want to serve you all in this.

Thank you for your understanding and singles thank you for the way you embraced this and sacrificed. Well Done!

Lastly GAME NIGHT MY HOUSE FRIDAY (11/6)! Let’s get it in!
~Blog Crew (Curt Allen)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Instant Replay: Ladies' Meeting

This past Saturday SRC hosted a Ladies' Meeting with special guest Carolyn Mahaney as our speaker. She gave two teachings, one grounded in Ephesians 5 on using our time well and another on the presence of God through rough seasons based on Luke 8:22-25. Make sure you check out the pics taken by our lovely photographer, April Sanders, on Flickr. For those of you who couldn't make it, or for you guys who are curious, the teachings are all on the SRC Blog.

~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)

Picture 488

Picture 435

Picture 516

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday Interviews Gone Wrong

Say whaaaaat? from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

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