11-01-09 Sunday Morning Interviews from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.
A friend of mine once referred to honoring individuals as arranging a bouquet of flowers to give to our Lord. All of the beauty we find in one another is really a reflection of God’s glory. I’m so thankful for the evidences of grace you have all seen in one another's lives. It’s amazing to read these and think that looks like Jesus. Even in honoring one another, it’s all about Jesus. Thank you all for striving to look like our Savior!
~Blog Crew (Shane Kohout)
Michelle Stefun stands out to me in the way she loves people by taking an interest in them. I have felt her care numerous times. Last night at the game night was no exception. As soon as she greeted me she began to draw me out about what had been going on in my life since we last talked. And as the evening progressed I observed her over and over again caring for everyone else in the same way. Michelle's love for other people has blessed me, and made me want to have an others-focused heart like she does!
~Anna Loftness
Anna Loftness lives out a life worthy of the gospel by exhibiting a boldness for the Lord in her daily living. During accountability meetings she unabashedly provides insight with the surety of someone who is well acquainted with the word of God. In any situation and without a moment's hesitation she is always ready to lift people or circumstances up to her heavenly Father in prayer. Personally, Anna's demonstrations of boldness have been an encouragement to me because they exemplify an aspect of the Christian walk in which I seek to grow.
~April Sanders
April Sanders is someone who is constantly encouraging and caring for everyone. Every time we talk she'll ask me how I'm doing with certain areas of my life and give me encouragement that helps me to keep going. She has a very compassionate heart and it shows to many people.
~Justine Peggins
Kristen Murphy is someone who has challenged me by living her life worthy of the gospel in the area of humility. In observing her lead our accountability group, I have been encouraged by how she humbly seeks after and applies wise council. She also humbly and lovingly offers godly exhortation and council to her brothers and sisters, never pointing them towards herself, but always toward Christ. This humility has challenged me to seek after God's word, to not grow lazy in applying God's word, and to readily and humbly encourage those around me.
~Brianna Smith
I have noticed that Jared Etherton lives a life worthy of the gospel in the way he receives counsel. In his seeking to not make much of himself Jared asks questions and writes down notes of people's thoughts for him during our accountability meetings. More importantly, I’ve noticed Jared seeking to apply these thoughts throughout the week while he wrestles with what would please our Lord. His courage in being humble convicts me of fearful pride in my own heart.
~Shane Kohout
~Shane Kohout
Shane Kohout is a brother who I see living a life worthy of the gospel. His generosity and love for strangers at his job spurs me on in my own walk. I am encouraged by his outward mentality when it comes to friendships and relationships. Many times he would tell me how affected he is by the love of Christ for him. This emotional response translates to his life as I've experienced the love of Jesus through my friend. Fellowship with him is always rich and I am grateful for him.
~Juan Cruz
Liz Hutchings is one of the women I look to as an example of Biblical femininity. No matter who you are, or what you are doing, it is difficult to be around Liz and to not be served by her. Her natural hospitality, care, humility, and "I'm here let's get this done" attitude combine to create a woman who never ceases to serve. Even if you haven't been directly served by Liz, there are countless events and ministries at SRC in which she serves behind the scenes (decorations for the ladie's meeting, Children's Ministry, etc.). When I am around Liz I feel safe and cared for, and I am grateful that I have her as one of my big sis's that I can look up to.
~Allison Bucca
I am so grateful for the way that Allison Bucca seeks to live a life worthy of the gospel, specifically in her honesty. Allison strives to make her life an open book for me and for others to see and offer observations. She is also very intentional to bring observations to me and to encourage me with scriptural truths. This has been a tremendous encouragement to me, especially in the last few months as Ally and I have walked through similar seasons.
~Kennesha Dickson
When I think of a life worthy of the gospel I think of my friend Aaron Spindler. His life is marked by a brotherly love for others and a love for the Savior. He has blessed me many times by praying with and for me, listening to my struggles, opening up his house to me, and sharing with me in laughter. He is an example to me of someone who reaches out to the younger generation, and is always willing to serve. I’m happy to call him a friend and be in the same church family.
~Juan Cruz
For my entire life the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Vadalá have stood out to me as worthy of the gospel. Though I’ve never had the privilege of knowing them very well, their example of sacrificial service has stood out to me, even from afar. They daily lay down their lives to care for their children and do it with a joy that is reflective of our Savior’s love for and joy in his children. Not only do they care for their children, but for many years Mr. Vadalá has served the church by leading a fellowship group. Their heart of love and service flows out of their love for the Savior and affects the way they love and care for their family and their church. Their example challenges me to joyfully serve in every aspect of life as unto the Lord.
~Megan Craynon
Nathan James Sr. is a great example to me of a man whose heart is set on worship. Whether it’s in his leading of the regular worship team or the choir, or his opening of his home for informal times of worship, scripture-sharing, and prayer, I see Mr. James has a heart for worshiping God in spirit and truth. What's more, Mr. James's eloquence in communicating sound doctrine points to the time he spends meditating on the truth of God's word and cultivating his passion for sharing that with others. His example is a great encouragement to me to examine how I can live my life in a way that is more intentionally centered on worshiping God in light of the gospel.
Nathan James Sr. is a great example to me of a man whose heart is set on worship. Whether it’s in his leading of the regular worship team or the choir, or his opening of his home for informal times of worship, scripture-sharing, and prayer, I see Mr. James has a heart for worshiping God in spirit and truth. What's more, Mr. James's eloquence in communicating sound doctrine points to the time he spends meditating on the truth of God's word and cultivating his passion for sharing that with others. His example is a great encouragement to me to examine how I can live my life in a way that is more intentionally centered on worshiping God in light of the gospel.
~Ken Shepherd
I have noticed Amy Murphy living her life in a manner worthy of the gospel through her faithfulness and humility. Amy has humbly shared her struggles and her delight in God's faithfulness to help her grow. I have seen this as she has confessed her fight to have regular quiet times, and her joy as she has seen progress in this area. I have also seen her humility in her faithfulness to share encouraging words and scriptures with the church by overcoming fear of man to do that which God has called her to do. Amy, your example has showed me that as we are faithful, the Lord will bless us greatly, and I have been so encouraged to keep fighting for time with God.
I have noticed Amy Murphy living her life in a manner worthy of the gospel through her faithfulness and humility. Amy has humbly shared her struggles and her delight in God's faithfulness to help her grow. I have seen this as she has confessed her fight to have regular quiet times, and her joy as she has seen progress in this area. I have also seen her humility in her faithfulness to share encouraging words and scriptures with the church by overcoming fear of man to do that which God has called her to do. Amy, your example has showed me that as we are faithful, the Lord will bless us greatly, and I have been so encouraged to keep fighting for time with God.
~Colleen Craynon
Though she's several years younger than me, I really look up to Ashley Stefun. She really applies what she learns from the Bible, and seeks to follow God's will and the advice from others before she makes decisions in her life. I'm always encouraged by the love she has for God, the Bible, and others. I hope that I can have the same love of the gospel that she has.
Though she's several years younger than me, I really look up to Ashley Stefun. She really applies what she learns from the Bible, and seeks to follow God's will and the advice from others before she makes decisions in her life. I'm always encouraged by the love she has for God, the Bible, and others. I hope that I can have the same love of the gospel that she has.
~Lauren Bucca
I have personally seen Jessica Peggins living a life worth of the gospel in how she trusts God with joyfulness. In every trial Jessica has faced entering her teaching career; I have observed her fighting to consistently and steadfastly place her hope and future in the Lord’s hands. Not only does she get a hold of God’s promises for her life, Jess always has a smile on her face and encouragement on her lips for others as well. Her example of trusting God with a joyful heart encourages me to place my hope solely on our Savior no matter what trial I face.
I have personally seen Jessica Peggins living a life worth of the gospel in how she trusts God with joyfulness. In every trial Jessica has faced entering her teaching career; I have observed her fighting to consistently and steadfastly place her hope and future in the Lord’s hands. Not only does she get a hold of God’s promises for her life, Jess always has a smile on her face and encouragement on her lips for others as well. Her example of trusting God with a joyful heart encourages me to place my hope solely on our Savior no matter what trial I face.
~Lauren Murphy
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