Friday, October 23, 2009

Instant Replay

Here is another new section, this one is called Instant Replay, it will be a recap of the Lightswitch Meetings for both singles and marrieds. It will have important announcements and highlights from the Lightswitch meetings. So for those of you who didn't take notes (for shame) or came late and missed the announcements (even more for shame) or weren't able to come because of homework or you were sick (aww, we missed you guys : ) then here is the information you will need.

After worship Curt asked if anyone in the group felt particularly burdened so much that they had a hard time entering into worship. We prayed for those who were burdened, and then we discussed how to apply Scriptures to our lives when we feel discouraged. Curt read from 1 Peter 4:12-19 reminding us that those who go through trials should "entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good" (verse 19). We then discussed highlights from CJ's teaching this past Sunday, and how particular points affected us. Two suggestion for applying the teaching to our gospel-centered community is to pray for one another during our commute to work or school every day and to refer to God as "Father" in prayer, to make it more personal.

-If you weren't there last night, make sure you let Curt know if you need the "2 Ways 2 Live" booklet so he can order the correct amount.
-And if you've finished "Prodigal God" then remember to email Curt a summary of how the book affected you.

~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)


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