WorshipGod09 began for us with eleven people caravanning in three cars up to Gaithersburg to spend four days listening to messages, worshiping, and being together. The Lord answered every hope and prayer that I had for those four days.
The thing that the Lord underscored for me throughout the week was his own holiness and glory, as revealed in the gospel. John Piper preached on “The God of Worship” and pointed to the fact that Christ’s first goal in dying was not to bring us to God; Christ's first goal in dying was to vindicate God’s righteousness. He demonstrated how God’s righteousness was under question because of God's mercy. Because God had passed over, and not poured out his wrath on the sins of his covenant people, his character had to be proved righteous. Piper showed how Romans 3:25 declares this when it says, “[Jesus’ propitiation] was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins.” It was because God proved himself righteous by Christ dying for sin that Christ was able to save us.
One of my favorite parts of the conference was worshiping alongside the other Lightswitch folks. Every person there has such a passion and desire for God’s glory, and that was so clearly expressed in the way they sang during our corporate worship time. Time and time again we were all filled with an awareness of the Lord’s presence, and it resulted in each person emphatically praising God. Personally, I was filled with so much joy and satisfaction in the Lord as I was made aware of the amazing fact that this God who is reigning over all came down and bore my sin. And now I can live in a manner that seeks to praise and honor him. It was wonderful to praise God together and to be aware of the unity bought with by gospel.
Not only did we enjoy sitting together during the meetings, but we also
enjoyed spending our free time together as well. Favorite episodes of the four days include naming the eight boys “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves,” caring for Allison and Lauren who both were walking through some physical trials, spending time praying and fellowshipping, and going out to Chevy’s with Mr. and Mrs. Dickson. I came away from the conference so grateful to the Lord for this church--for how he works, for the unity he has knit, and for his love demonstrated through the local church, specifically ours.
To listen to any of the teachings from WG09, visit the following link:
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