Saturday, November 28, 2009

Curt TV: Clever video promoting gay marriage agenda

My buddy Eric Simmons and I always have conversations regarding Christ and culture. He recently told me about this video as I was telling him some of my thoughts from San Francisco. Basically we were talking about how left-brain the gay agenda is in their marketing of gay marriage and how those who oppose it need to be as clever or more so in their argument beyond simply stating, "the Bible told me so." As we are called to engage in this world it is good to notice what the strategy is. Hence the video link below. What do you guys think of it? Post comments on the blog.


Michelle S. said...

Interesting. But it's assuming that gay marriage is a war over our rights (ie I have the right to interpret what marriage is for me and how I use it)

Marriage isn't about having the "right" to do something; it's about a sacred relationship/bond that is walked out before GOD as a reflection of His relationship/bond with His people. This means that it's not about us, it's about GOD. We didn't create marriage, GOD did.

So marriage is meant to happen on His terms meaning that marriage takes place between husband and wife, man and woman. I don't know how you'd convince an atheist using this argument tho.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Michelle. What people are missing is that this isn't ultimately a civil issue. Its a moral and spiritual issue. Its a GOD issue. Same for abortion.

Juan Cruz said...

In this left brain tactics, I wonder if I would use the same tactic to bring sin as a personal offense to God and share the love of God in the gospel. The gospel is not just a right brain side message, it is full of emotions of the Father giving his Son for the redemption of humanity. So when it comes to gay marriage, the focus is on God's design for our joy, and how we have distorted and personally offended him. I think we can use pathos to point to a God who is not just in the issues, but in the actual lives of the gay and heterosexual person. Psalm 103:14 says "He [God] knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust" But later in verse 17 it says "But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him".

Lightswitch Blog said...

The thing is when it comes to gay rights, it is all political, they aren't really arguing over how people define
marriage, though this is involved. They are talking more about how marriage is defined by our government.To them
marriage does come down to the right to do something in our society.Gay/lesbian couples want to be a government-
recognized entity because that is what gains them recognition in our society.We as Christians look at marriage as
sacred and established by God, and that is why so many churches are against gay rights. I just think marriage shouldn't
become such a political entity, it should be defined by God and how he has it for people, and not by the government
and how they give certain rights to certain people. Today,in the Washington Post there are two articles on DC
getting close to legalizing gay marriage (
The second article (
explains the different views of this issue, "pitting some residents
whose attitudes are sculpted by a literal reading of Scripture against those who consider gay rights the human rights
fight of their time." In the article they were explaining how some people have equated the gay rights movement with the civil rights movement.

Unknown said...

Oh man, this is a really thoughtful ad. It cleverly engages people's emotions while pushing its agenda of trying to equate traditional marriage with gay marriage. The funny thing is that they can only get so far until they completely normalize homosexuality and they're having a hard time because nature in itself is averse to it. Like everyone has said, since God made it that way, he calls the shots and it's not for us to decide.

There is a reason why traditional marriage hasn't faced this kind of attack. And the fact that the gay agenda so vehemently resists any opposition to their position seems to only show further that they ultimately know their position is indefensible...

Unknown said...

Here's the American version of this ad. In my opinion it is not as good as this one. I didn't realize "Sinead" was a girl's name...though the ad makes sense either way...

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