Thursday, February 11, 2010

February need to knows. Important please read sorry it's long

Hope you all are enjoying the snow as much as I'm not. Maybe when my kids get older I will rekindle the fun days of my youth with snowball fights and trash bag sledding. I await the day! Some things to know for this month as listed below.

I will be meeting with the married couples on Tuesday 2/16 (Will let you know definitely if this date works)

Singles we are together this Wednesday. Bring your Two Ways To Live Books. 7:30 Tip off time!

Game night @ my house on Friday 2/19 @ 8:08. I found out something about you all and I am going to flush it out in this nice game that we will play hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Can't believe I didn't know this until now! See you Friday night. Couples, see if some kids from 412 can baby sit. I would love to see you all laugh at this! For all I know you probably do it too!

If anyone did not get a Judgment booklet please grab one this Sunday. These are not optional as they will be very thematic in your community/fellwoship groups discussions the next few months. Some of you have already started to read this and like me have and are being affected. I personally will be reading this consistently as it can take a lot of repetition to get into my thick head. You all as well will be re-reading this booklet. Please do not do the evaluation worksheets at the end. You will get to those later. In your community groups (co-ed, fellowship groups will be your men's and ladies meetings. I know I know it's all fellowship and another group name) on the 24th you will primarily discuss up to page 12. You may read the whole thing if you want to but your discussion in your next group will go up to page 12.

I would like each of us to remember some scripture related to this for it is God's word in our hearts that protects us from our own hearts. I would like each of us to memorize James 4:11. What we do we do together! I  know for some it will be difficult to do this but I believe God has given each of us the ability to do so.

My goal for us this year is that we become unfamiliar with our knowledge of the grace of God so that it will be fresh to us as if it was new. Let's pursue the depth of our salvation so that as we go deeper it gets fresher. Where it is hard to stay fresh may it be unfamiliar to us that we continue to appreciate it. Let's get it!

Lastly in order to do this it is important that we take seriously our pursuit and the things that are layed before us. I know that reality has set in now and you realize you are stuck with me, for that I am sorry, but we are a family. Moreso than what has been experienced prior to this past two years. Not that we have arrived but we are more like minded than ever and this is the perfect time to really press in and grow together focusing on some similar themes. Time goes by fast. Please don't waste the year committed to not being committed. Examples of this are: Not doing the assignments (memorizing or reading), doing them at the last minute to say you have done them giving no time to think and apply allowing the word to have a real lasting impact in your life. Not participating in the discussions etc.

With a group our size I know not everyone is going to be on board with where we are going this year. That's fine. Not really but there is nothing I can do about it. However I remain committed to standing before the Lord having tried to present to him myself, my family and this church as people who look more and more like him each year. I say this with a genuine conscience before the Lord that I love you all very much. Never dreamed it would be like this for Betsy and I coming here. I actually believe I learn far more from you than I have taught. You guys are amazing! It has been my honor to be among you and given the title as your pastor. Thanks for putting up with me and loving my family in the process. Now somebody bring me a shovel that is not broken so I can do my driveway. All 3 of mine broke! Lol


Shane Kohout said...

HAHA is that foreign spam? Or are we going global?

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