Monday, September 28, 2009

About Us (Part 3)

We have two new additions to the blog crew, April Sanders has agreed to join our photography team to work alongside Megan Murphy in taking pictures. Also Lauren Bucca has been coerced by her loving sister to write about the "American Friends" events along with anything else Allison can convince her to do. Enjoy reading their bios.

Lauren Bucca (Writer) Lauren, (who would like to point out that this bio was written by her older sister) is currently studying English at Howard Community College having begun classes there last year as a senior in high school. Lauren works as a secretary on Saturdays in the SRC office, working under her aunt Donna Bucca. She has attended SRC for as long as she can remember, and was attending even before she could remember, but has yet to become an “official” member. Lauren loves to read and think about what she reads, yet loves on occasion to interact with humans, thus she has found some pleasure in partaking in various LS social events. The only challenge she encounters in being part of LS is the fact that Curt scares her.

April Sanders (Photographer) April is currently a sophomore at the University of Maryland and is planning to major in Spanish with a minor in Human Development. She works at Fairland Sports and Aquatics Center as a certified lifeguard where there is never a dull moment. April has attended SRC since 1997 and counts it a blessing to be a part of a church family dedicated to the pursuit of godliness. April can always be found breaking out in random, never ending bouts of song and dance, sometimes even to the chagrin of her friends and family. Any time she spends laughing with her fellow lightswitchers is enjoyable and she is grateful for the people whose constant care keeps her faith from becoming static.

~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Video or Two

Did you know that Lauren Murphy starred in her very own music video? Check out the music video from the Next conference of our girl Lo singing front and center.

By This We Know Love from Sovereign Grace Ministries on Vimeo.

Take a look at the over 50 videos now on the Sovereign Grace Vimeo stream. Recently added are two videos (from the WorshipGod09 conference) of John Piper's mind-blowing teachings on "The Heart of Worship" and "The God of Worship" both of which significantly altered how I think about the gospel and how my heart prepares for a Sunday morning.

Also available are videos of Mark Altrogge giving announcements at the WorshipGod09 conference. Mark turns his small job of picking raffle tickets into a hilarious comedic bit about how "King Bob Kauflin" turned him into the insignificant "Ticket Boy." "Ticket Boy, Part 3" is my favorite, and the ones after that just get funnier.

Ticket Boy, Part 3 from Sovereign Grace Ministries on Vimeo.

~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sunday Morning Interviews [September 20, 2009]

Sunday Morning Interviews 9-20-20009 from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

Mtg of the Switch (Singles)

After Curt spoke last night and worship began to wind down, the question came to my mind, "Why would we apply this?"

God graciously brought Ephesians 5:1-2 to my attention:

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Last night convicted me of areas in my life where I am selfish and I complain. Reflecting on this passage I have realized that by repenting from these areas, I can further my pursuit as an imitator of Christ's love. His love is free from complaints, gossip, bitterness, dissension and selfishness. I'm so glad we have the perfect example of walking in love found in Jesus Christ.

I'm so excited to see how our community will learn to imitate sacrificial love. I pray that together we will seek to create the gospel-centered community that Curt mentioned last night. And through this pursuit, we will please our Father in Heaven by reflecting the love that he has entrusted to us through his Son Jesus Christ.

~Blog Crew (Shane Kohout)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

On My End

This is the first installment from a new section we are calling "On My End." This is where will we include stories from people within LS and some from outside of LS telling us about how they are living for Christ in their personal lives. There will be Q/A's, stories, anecdotes, etc. sharing how they have been thinking about/applying the latest message from a LS meeting or a Sunday morning meeting. LS Blog Crew member Shane Kohout interviewed Huck Rodgers to get a teenager's perspective on this past Sunday's teaching on conversion.

1. Has this message led you to evaluate your relationship with Jesus Christ?

Definitely, I keep thinking to myself, “Do my actions say that I'm a Christian?” Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that they don't. This I know needs to be drastically changed and I need to take immediate action and have my focus on God.

2. Can you think of times when your relationship with Jesus Christ was based on seeking approval from your parents or friends?

Yes. When I was saved, most of my friends and people I knew were Christians, so I felt like I should consider accepting Jesus as my Savior so that I wouldn’t be the odd one out.

3. What areas of the Christian walk are difficult for you to walk out on a daily basis?

Devoting my time to reading the Bible or praying are both big ones. Also talking to my friends (even though they are in the church) about Christ and what is going on in their personal relationship with him.

4. How do you plan to surrender these areas to the Lord?

To pray, read the Bible, and to seek spiritual guidance. God has shown me the precious value of the Bible and I know that if I want to dive deeper in my relationship this is a vital area that I need to pursue.

5. How has God met you over the week in reflecting on the assurance of your relationship with him?

One way that God has assured me is the fact that the Holy Spirit told me through the message that I need to turn my life to focus on Jesus. Another way is that I know the changes throughout my life can only happen through the Holy Spirit that is implanted in me. Through my assurance I find joy that God will keep his promise and I will be spared from the consequences of my sins.

To hear Sunday's teaching, visit Solid Rock Church's sermon blog.

Curt TV #1 Beef

Curt TV from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

American Friends Luncheon

Susan Cole comes shuffling by, balancing a platter of appetizers offered to guests, “I’m very excited about the number of people coming. It used to be a lot of families, but this time we have a lot of young people involved.” This past Saturday Susan (administrator of American Friends for SRC) spent all day as host to the American Friends luncheon housed by the Zastrow family.

Approximately seventy people, including hosts (most of which were Lightswitchers) and international students, participated in the luncheon. This is a great increase from the approximate twenty-five people who participated last year. Check out the pictures from the event on Flickr!

Are you an American Friend? It’s not too late to become involved. Don’t miss the "Corn Maze/Campfire" event on Saturday, October 24 from 2-10pm. For more information email

~Blog Crew (Lauren Bucca)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Notes & Quotes (Sunday Mtg)

Yesterday, John Loftness opened the “What is a Christian?” series with a message out of John 3:1-8 on the doctrine of regeneration.
John asked the question:

“Is a Christian simply someone who lives a good moral life?”

John introduced us to Nicodemus from John 3:1-8 as a “spiritual big shot” who was widely respected. In coming to Jesus, Nicodemus is confronted by a truth that undermines his entire life’s work, “all your religion, all your attainments, all your obedience are worthless. All your prestige, all your time making religious rulings for the nation, all your efforts in keeping the law they are useless when it comes to having God’s life in you.”

“Religion is the antithesis of Christianity."

John then moved away from the passage and had us look through the lens of regeneration:

“There is nothing you can do to be born again. You can only respond, you can’t initiate with God.” “He comes to you in Jesus. He comes to you speaking words.”

“Have you had the imperishable living and abiding Word of God implanted in you?” Then the Holy Spirit has done a work in you.

John then asked the question “Why is this doctrine so important?”

1. It will protect you from legalism.
“There is nothing you can do to make God favorable to you.”

2. It will help you put down pride.
“You realize that you’re not the source of any good.”

3. It causes you to relate humbly to people who are not born again.
“There should be no sense of superiority towards the people around you. There should be a sense of wonder, why do I have knowledge of God and his ways?"

4. It affects your parenting.
It will bring you to your knees praying for God to work in your children’s lives.

In closing, John brought an encouragement to those who are unsure of their salvation:

“If you desire to come to Jesus, the Spirit of God is working in your life.”

Lightswitch Blog Crew Doing What They Do

Sometimes, our meetings get a little out of hand...

Lightswitch Blog Crew Doing What They Do from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Boys' Lock In

While the boys were away, the girls did play. Recently Curt had all of the guys over to his house for a lock-in which is pretty much boy code for a slumber party. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, some of the girls gathered together to prank the guys while they were doing whatever it is guys do when they get together. Check out Flickr to see some pictures from the girls' adventures.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Notes and Quotes (Sunday Mtg)

This past Sunday (9/06/09), John Loftness gave the final message of the "One Message Series." The purpose of this series was to show that the entirety of the Bible has an overarching message. John summarized this message by saying, “God saves sinners through Jesus Christ.” He used Colossians 1:13-20 to show four parts of God’s pattern for our salvation.

1. Creation
2. The Fall
3. Redemption
4. Restoration

Shalom: “Personal wholeness and well-being in every sphere.” Murray Harris

“You were created for Shalom. That’s God’s intention for you; peace, joy, and satisfaction in God.”

“Shalom was shattered in the garden of God.” “Man said I will be God.”

“Can man ever come back to peace with God and harmony with the world, with nature, with the things God has made, with other people?”

Yes! Through Jesus!

“He shows up to transfer fallen wrath-deserving human beings to a kingdom ruled by his Son.”

“We are not just redeemed; this new life becomes a process of restoration.”

John elaborated on restoration by showing 4 implications that it has in our lives:

1. Personal (we are being sanctified into his likeness)
2. Relational (Our relationships are being restored)
3. Communal (the church shows God’s restoration)
4. Cultural (Jesus is restoring all things to himself)

“This is our calling as a church. We are called to participate in this great work of reconciliation of all things to Jesus.”

Question to consider in reflecting on the teaching:

Am I fully engaged in this restoration process?

To listen to the teaching visit Solid Rock Church’s website.

If you have thoughts, questions, or comments about the teaching, email

Saturday, September 5, 2009

About Us (Part 2)

This blog is to keep the members of the Lightswitch ministry updated on our members and the activities we do together. Lightswitch is the young adults ministry of Solid Rock Church and is comprised of young marrieds and singles who are high school graduates and older. We believe in the truth of the gospel that God sent his Son to earth both fully God and fully man to die on a cross for our sins and then rise again.

All who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior can escape God’s judgment for their disobedience and instead have a relationship with him. That's why "Bl
ind. Click. See." is the motto of our ministry. Christ clicked on the light through the gospel, and we hope that through our lives others will be able to turn on the light and see the truth of the gospel. If you’d like to learn more about us, visit Solid Rock Church for our 10 a.m. service on any Sunday or email us at

Shane Kohout (Writer) Shane is a senior studying History at Bowie State University. Recently he has been working at Giant Food store in the floral department (don't laugh!). Shane has been a member of Solid Rock Church for three years. One of his favorite things about SRC is the faithful preaching of the gospel every week. One important thing to know about Shane: he is never the mafia.

Mike Perry (Video Editor) Mike currently works as an IT Project Manager for NIH (National Institute of Health). Though he is skilled with computers, he wishes to someday have a job where he could talk to people all day long rather than work with computers. Mike has been attending SRC since June when he immediately began attending the membership class. He has just one more class to go and he’ll officially be a member of SRC! Mike loves the fact that in Lightswitch everyone is accepted, no matter their differing mannerisms or personality. Even though Mike has only been a part of Lightswitch for a short period of time, from day one he never felt like a stranger.

Ken Shepherd (Webmaster) Ken works as a writer-editor for a non-profit in Alexandria, VA, and lives with his lovely wife Laura in Takoma Park. He's been a member of SRC since November 2007. Ken graduated from the University of Maryland in 2001 and enjoys watching Terps football and basketball games. Ken's favorite thing about Lightswitch, has been learning how to walk together in a diverse community that glorifies God through living life together.

Aaron Spindler (Graphic Designer) Aaron possesses a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art from the University of Maryland and currently works as a waiter at the District Chophouse in downtown Washington, D.C. Aaron has been attending Solid Rock Church for about a year, and has enjoyed his time spent with Lightswitch. His favorite times spent with Lightswitch have been right after the events when everyone is winding down. Aaron enjoys the good balance of goofing off accompanied by conversations about the Lord.

Evy Taracena (Administrator) Evy is a stay-at-home mom who serves her husband Marlon and her two sons Marcus and Jaiden. Evy, Marlon, and Marcus came to SRC in June 2008 and ever since then they have been a part of Lightswitch. What Evy and her husband love most about the ministry is having fellowship with several couples in the same season as them. They also greatly appreciate the love and joy shared with the singles when they watch their little boys.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Mtg of the Switch (Marrieds)

Last night at the marrieds meeting, Curt taught from Genesis 1:26-27 on the doctrine of man. Since we are made in the image of God (imago dei) we are to reflect God's character and become more like him so we can glorify him with our lives. The key point is that God spoke to man. He didn't speak to any other part of his creation but he initiated fellowship with man, which enables us to now have fellowship with our Lord and Savior.


- Next meeting: Friday 9/18 at the Allens. Babysitting (in your home) and dinner provided.
- All Lightswitch Mtg.: Thursday 10/8 to set up for the church picnic.
- Reading: "Prodigal God," one book per couple available. $10 to Curt (cash or check made out to SRC).
- In-Home Childcare for Mtg.'s: email Curt and Evy your specifics (routines, babysitter preferences e.g. male, female, specific people, etc., and info about family e.g. pets.) Also let us know if you're open to having your babysitters over early for dinner so you can get to know them a little better.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Curt's Corner #5

Curt's Corner from Curtis Allen on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

WorshipGod09 Q & A with Ben

Could you share a little about your WorshipGod09 experience?

I think anytime you can get about 1,500 believers in one who room who love to sing to the Savior always makes for some memorable times of worship. Personally, every worship session uniquely affected me by reminding me of different truths of God and how much I need Christ.

The Lord met me there in an extremely personal way particularly through the heavyweight teachings from John Piper, Thabiti Anyabwile, and Jeff Purswell. It was also a blast trying to get the seven dudes I was rooming with each their own shower time every morning!

Was there anything in particular that struck you from the teachings?

There was so much truth being taught at this conference. I’m still trying to soak it all i
n by going over my notes every day since the conference and just reflecting on certain questions I wrote down for myself.

First, was a point John Piper made about how the heart of a worshiper is not one trying to come before the Lord bringing something. If that person thinks they are, then they are missing the purpose of worship. Piper countered that by saying the heart of a worshiper is
one that desperately comes to the Lord empty and crying out for the Lord to fill him. This was a refreshing reminder.

Second, and probably most vivid, were the few things said throughout the conference about the dangers of making worship about myself and not about the Lord and serving his people.

Jeff Purswell made two comments on different occasions which hit this point home for me personally, “A danger exists in corporate worship where we can enter into a form of idolatry where we are worshiping worship” and he also pointed out that, “When you begin to love being a worship leader more then a worshiper of the Lord; we’ve got a big problem”.

What was it like experiencing this conference with those who attended from SRC?

By far the highlight of the weekend was being able to not only spend every single session sitting together as the Lightswitch band but also hanging out together during meals and after the sessions. Probably some of the most exciting times of worship were the times when I was able to look to my left or my right and see all of us together worshiping or praying.

We had the unique opportunity to do “what we do together” in a new context and it just made the whole conference all the more fruitful. It was apparent that all who came were not just excited to get things out of the conference for themselves but were equally excited to hear about what everyone else was learning or had been affected by in each session. I’m convinced that it would not have been the same if we hadn’t been together.

To listen to any of the teachings from WG09 visit Sovereign Grace.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sunday Meeting Notes & Quotes

Below is the first offering of “Notes and Quotes” from a Sunday message, which will continue to be a staple item on the blog. The purpose is to help us take home the teachings we hear on Sunday mornings and then apply them to our lives. Soon we will post videos of interviews from those who gave their thoughts on this past Sunday's teaching. Stay tuned.

This past Sunday (8/30/09), John Loftness gave a message primarily focused on Ezra 3-4 and Hebrews 10. He addressed the believer’s often-warped view of his or her personal history, and emphasized that, in reality, the single most important day in all of history is the day that Christ died. He pointed out that “the church is propelled forward by the Holy Spirit” working in the local church, and he gave five key reminders that will help build a lasting church:

1. We must keep our confidence in what Jesus has already done.
2. We must draw near in worship as a community.
3. We must continue to confess to one another that God will keep His promises.
4. We must meet together to remind each other of these truths.
5. We must never forget He is coming back!

“How you look at your history affects how you respond to things.”

“He’s not slow [in returning], He’s just got bigger plans than we can imagine!”

“We can’t retreat to the ‘good old’ days.’ It doesn’t work. …there is no place for nostalgia in the kingdom of heaven.”

“My Savior came and died for me. That’s what’s gonna control me.”

Questions to consider in reflecting on the teaching:

Does my past, whether positive or not, dominate me or is my “history book” dominated by the day Christ died for me?

To listen to the teaching visit Solid Rock Church’s website.

If you have thoughts, questions, or comments about the teaching, email

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