Yesterday, John Loftness opened the “What is a Christian?” series with a message out of John 3:1-8 on the doctrine of regeneration.
John asked the question:
“Is a Christian simply someone who lives a good moral life?”
John introduced us to Nicodemus from John 3:1-8 as a “spiritual big shot” who was widely respected. In coming to Jesus, Nicodemus is confronted by a truth that undermines his entire life’s work, “all your religion, all your attainments, all your obedience are worthless. All your prestige, all your time making religious rulings for the nation, all your efforts in keeping the law they are useless when it comes to having God’s life in you.”
“Religion is the antithesis of Christianity."
John then moved away from the passage and had us look through the lens of regeneration:
“There is nothing you can do to be born again. You can only respond, you can’t initiate with God.” “He comes to you in Jesus. He comes to you speaking words.”
“Have you had the imperishable living and abiding Word of God implanted in you?” Then the Holy Spirit has done a work in you.
John then asked the question “Why is this doctrine so important?”
1. It will protect you from legalism.
“There is nothing you can do to make God favorable to you.”
2. It will help you put down pride.
“You realize that you’re not the source of any good.”
3. It causes you to relate humbly to people who are not born again.
“There should be no sense of superiority towards the people around you. There should be a sense of wonder, why do I have knowledge of God and his ways?"
4. It affects your parenting.
It will bring you to your knees praying for God to work in your children’s lives.
In closing, John brought an encouragement to those who are unsure of their salvation:
“If you desire to come to Jesus, the Spirit of God is working in your life.”
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