Below is the first offering of “Notes and Quotes” from a Sunday message, which will continue to be a staple item on the blog. The purpose is to help us take home the teachings we hear on Sunday mornings and then apply them to our lives. Soon we will post videos of interviews from those who gave their thoughts on this past Sunday's teaching. Stay tuned.
This past Sunday (8/30/09), John Loftness gave a message primarily focused on Ezra 3-4 and Hebrews 10. He addressed the believer’s often-warped view of his or her personal history, and emphasized that, in reality, the single most important day in all of history is the day that Christ died. He pointed out that “the church is propelled forward by the Holy Spirit” working in the local church, and he gave five key reminders that will help build a lasting church:
1. We must keep our confidence in what Jesus has already done.
2. We must draw near in worship as a community.
3. We must continue to confess to one another that God will keep His promises.
4. We must meet together to remind each other of these truths.
5. We must never forget He is coming back!
“How you look at your history affects how you respond to things.”
“He’s not slow [in returning], He’s just got bigger plans than we can imagine!”
“We can’t retreat to the ‘good old’ days.’ It doesn’t work. …there is no place for nostalgia in the kingdom of heaven.”
“My Savior came and died for me. That’s what’s gonna control me.”
Questions to consider in reflecting on the teaching:
Does my past, whether positive or not, dominate me or is my “history book” dominated by the day Christ died for me?
To listen to the teaching visit Solid Rock Church’s website.
If you have thoughts, questions, or comments about the teaching, email
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