This past Sunday (9/06/09), John Loftness gave the final message of the "One Message Series." The purpose of this series was to show that the entirety of the Bible has an overarching message. John summarized this message by saying, “God saves sinners through Jesus Christ.” He used Colossians 1:13-20 to show four parts of God’s pattern for our salvation.
1. Creation
2. The Fall
3. Redemption
4. Restoration
Shalom: “Personal wholeness and well-being in every sphere.” Murray Harris
“You were created for Shalom. That’s God’s intention for you; peace, joy, and satisfaction in God.”
“Shalom was shattered in the garden of God.” “Man said I will be God.”
“Can man ever come back to peace with God and harmony with the world, with nature, with the things God has made, with other people?”
Yes! Through Jesus!
“He shows up to transfer fallen wrath-deserving human beings to a kingdom ruled by his Son.”
“We are not just redeemed; this new life becomes a process of restoration.”
John elaborated on restoration by showing 4 implications that it has in our lives:
1. Personal (we are being sanctified into his likeness)
2. Relational (Our relationships are being restored)
3. Communal (the church shows God’s restoration)
4. Cultural (Jesus is restoring all things to himself)
“This is our calling as a church. We are called to participate in this great work of reconciliation of all things to Jesus.”
Question to consider in reflecting on the teaching:
Am I fully engaged in this restoration process?
To listen to the teaching visit Solid Rock Church’s website.
If you have thoughts, questions, or comments about the teaching, email
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