Thursday, April 29, 2010

A couple things

 1. Guys in light of the ladies doing their thing tomorrow and Saturday I would like to extend to you all a Raven invitation. Be at my house for some good times as men. We're having our own conference! Doors open at 8:30.

 2. Next week we are back at it again all LS baby! We will be looking at the most significant and intense statement that Christ said on the cross Mark 15:34 "And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" which means, "My God, my God why have you forsaken me?" Intense man, intense.

3. This Sunday those of you who agreed to help with the video shoot for the song "Whatever It Takes," that Lo and I did for Josh is on. I saw some clouds in the forecast but thats what they said last week. We will leave after guest luncheon on Sunday, about 12:45 (unless it is clear that weather is not on our side) and will be doing the first segment on the Metro. I will provide Metro passes for those of you coming, at least for those who agreed to do it last week. We will catch the train to China Town to shoot another part of the video and then we will try to catch a meal there together. That I cannot pay for. Thank you in advance for being willing to do this!

4. We are getting new LS t-shirts this year. They should not cost more than $10 a person. We are currently designing the new shirt and should be ready to go soon.

5. Lastly, I had mentioned that I wanted to actually have some accountability for sharing the gospel. Some of you responded to that with a likewise desire. So here's what I propose. I am going to each week beginning May 7th post on the blog my weekly sharing the gospel stories. I would ask you to do the same. Each week send a brief two paragraphs of and who you shared the gospel with to We will post them on the site that we may all be encouraged and provoked. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS!!!!!!! I am because it will add to the reality if I have to post every week who I am sharing the gospel with. If I do not share with someone I want you all to feel free to challenge me. I'm not talking legalistic here I'm talking faithfulness. So here are the two questions you can ask me when you see me:
        1. Have you been praying daily for opportunities to share the gospel?
        2. Have you shared the gospel in the past week?

I love you guys! Ladies have fun at the conference! Guys have fun tomorrow night! I will have fun always!!!!!!

~Blog Crew (Curt Allen)


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