The iPad is so new, so shiny, you may own it, or like most folks, you know a friend who has one and you like it! You like it a much that you want to buy one. So you look at your bank account and discover you have no money.
You sell your cat, you sell your neighbor's old car that's been sitting in his backyard for years, you sell your mother's china dishes, you hold a bake sale, you make your little sister dress up as a blue Navi from Avatar and charge people $1 each to take a picture with her. But you still do not have enough money to buy an iPad. Have you thought about your heart? The Resurgence blog recently did a great post about addressing your heart as you decide whether or not to buy an iPad and if it is a wise purchase, or an idol you may need to destory.
~Blog Crew (Allison Bucca)
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