Saturday, April 24, 2010


At a recent Lightswitch meeting we asked some folks to give their thoughts on how the Judgments book affected them in their community groups. Here's what they had to say:

"The book helped me to re-evaluate my attitude towards others. It made me aware of how I interact with others."
~Megan Murphy

"The book changed my view of judging people according to personality, because before God we're equally sinners."
~Mandy Huang

"It helped me most in my marriage; you're so quick to judge those closest to you the harshest. Now I step back when I'm tempted to think harsh thoughts and make rash judgments about his motives."
~Sarah Leidner

"It was a wake up call for the way I thought about judgment. Oftentimes, you're presented with situations in your life where it can be easy to judge others. This book served as an eye opener for how we really should treat others lovingly and not make rash judgments."
~Michelle McVey 

"I'm more aware of how judgmental I am. Therefore, I find that I spend more time confessing my judgments to the Lord. Before reading the Judgments book, I didn't realize I could biblically judge people."
~Laura Welch

"It's helped me be more conscious of my thoughts and to take control of my judgments."
~Michelle Stefun

"Because of the book, I realized how much I judge people and how I make my judgments without authority, which is a sin I wasn't aware of. My fellowship group helped me realize how to practically attack this area of my life and grow."
~Shane Kohout

~Blog Crew (Lauren Bucca with Brianna Smith)


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