Wednesday, September 23, 2009

On My End

This is the first installment from a new section we are calling "On My End." This is where will we include stories from people within LS and some from outside of LS telling us about how they are living for Christ in their personal lives. There will be Q/A's, stories, anecdotes, etc. sharing how they have been thinking about/applying the latest message from a LS meeting or a Sunday morning meeting. LS Blog Crew member Shane Kohout interviewed Huck Rodgers to get a teenager's perspective on this past Sunday's teaching on conversion.

1. Has this message led you to evaluate your relationship with Jesus Christ?

Definitely, I keep thinking to myself, “Do my actions say that I'm a Christian?” Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that they don't. This I know needs to be drastically changed and I need to take immediate action and have my focus on God.

2. Can you think of times when your relationship with Jesus Christ was based on seeking approval from your parents or friends?

Yes. When I was saved, most of my friends and people I knew were Christians, so I felt like I should consider accepting Jesus as my Savior so that I wouldn’t be the odd one out.

3. What areas of the Christian walk are difficult for you to walk out on a daily basis?

Devoting my time to reading the Bible or praying are both big ones. Also talking to my friends (even though they are in the church) about Christ and what is going on in their personal relationship with him.

4. How do you plan to surrender these areas to the Lord?

To pray, read the Bible, and to seek spiritual guidance. God has shown me the precious value of the Bible and I know that if I want to dive deeper in my relationship this is a vital area that I need to pursue.

5. How has God met you over the week in reflecting on the assurance of your relationship with him?

One way that God has assured me is the fact that the Holy Spirit told me through the message that I need to turn my life to focus on Jesus. Another way is that I know the changes throughout my life can only happen through the Holy Spirit that is implanted in me. Through my assurance I find joy that God will keep his promise and I will be spared from the consequences of my sins.

To hear Sunday's teaching, visit Solid Rock Church's sermon blog.


Unknown said...

This is very honest and encouraging. Thanks, Huck.


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